
Welcome to South Seattle College Georgetown Outreach! 

Together, our staff works with prospective pre-apprentices, apprentices, students, parents, high school guidance counselors and other community partners to help connect people with the educational and apprenticeship opportunities at South Seattle College, Georgetown.

Contact us to get your general questions about Georgetown, pre-apprenticeship and 
apprenticeship programs. We offer outreach advising if you are interested in an 
apprenticeship program.

Whatever your needs, we look forward to serving you!

Ways we can connect

Planning a College Fair? Looking to Organize a Group Visit?

Georgetown works on off-campus events and hosts on-campus visits for groups (up to 25 
individuals) throughout the school year. Our Georgetown on-campus events are hands-on 
and provide prospective apprentices with an experiential introduction to some of many 
trades on campus.

Members of the outreach staff regularly visit high schools in the greater Seattle area 
throughout the academic school year. We can also arrange special visits off-campus.

Examples of events that our staff attend include:

  • Classroom presentations
  • Attending Fairs
  • Community events
  • Trades, Career and College panels

Contact us at gtinfo@seattlecolleges.edu for more information or to find a date when we 
will be near you!

Want to bring a group to Georgetown?

Group tours and campus visits require a reservation. Please contact us at least 3-4 weeks 
in advance to ensure appropriate staffing for your group.

Complete this form to schedule a small group campus tour and information session (School Groups/Community Groups with 15-25 people). 3-4 weeks in advance notice required and only offered during the academic school year. We will contact you to confirm your visit.