Seattle Memorial for Paul Bigman on September 9

Paul Bigman, a stalwart of the Seattle labor and social justice communities for decades, died on June 29 in Chicago, where he has been living for a few years. Paul was a tireless organizer and activist, and continued organizing even after he retired, always ready to help a burgeoning campaign like bookstore workers in Portland or Amazon workers in Kentucky. While in Seattle he worked for the ILWU international, a regional organizer for Jobs with Justice, for OPEIU Local 8, IATSE Local 15, and AFM Local 76-493, and for a short stint at the Labor Center as a Labor Educator. Paul was also a longtime member of our Advisory Committee and a champion of labor education.
There will be a memorial and celebration of Paul’s life in Seattle at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Keystone Congregational Church, 5019 Keystone Place N. in Wallingford. All are invited. The space is accessible. The memorial will be live streamed from Paul's personal facebook page starting around 1pm pacific time.
It is not necessary to RSVP, but it would be helpful to have a rough count for planning refreshments, so organizers are asking folks who are likely to attend to please send a message to Volunteers are also needed to help staff the event — set-up, clean-up and refreshments. If you are able to help or if you are interested in contributing to the formal program (e.g., remarks, a song, a poem), please include that information in your email.