Discover South Seattle College Georgetown

Get Started on your Path
Join us at the Discover South Seattle College Georgetown Open House. Take a campus tour. Learn more about applying for admissions, financial aid, and other student resources. Talk to an advisor about your goals. Visit with an instructor you met at the online event and learn more about our programs. We're here to help you get started.
Happening alongside the Open House, join the Clean Water, Sustainable Building, and Green Jobs Symposium, hosted in collaboration with the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks - Wastewater Treatment Division and South Seattle College’s Sustainable Building Science Technology program. Engage in hands-on demonstrations, networking opportunities, resume-building workshops, and other skill-enhancing activities. Connect with in-demand employers and training programs in the fields of clean water, sustainable building, and green jobs—and take the next step toward a rewarding career!
Wednesday, March 12
3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
6737 Corson Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 - C Building
What to Expect
- On-site apprenticeship spotlight demonstrations
- Light refreshments and snacks
- Giveaways and free raffle drawings
- Free parking
Learn about more Discover Seattle Colleges events happening at Seattle Colleges March 3-13.